Sunday, July 13, 2008

Welcome to the blog of El Greengo!

With the Bush administration's disgraceful performance on ecological issues, Mexico has a unique opportunity today. Mexico's leaders can move forward in areas such as sustainable development, renewable energy, waste management, water preservation, the list goes on and on. With the US being ranked as the least responsible of the G8 nations in the world when it comes to climate change, and the country's environmental protection agencies being gutted by the same people who are tasked with heading these agencies and enforcing our environmental laws, Mexico can be a leader and role model for its carbon guzzling neighbors to the North. Yes, I said neighbors plural, Canada ranked 2nd worst in the climate change game.

I'm not saying that Mexico can be greener and cleaner than the US, but since the powers that be have traded the health of the US and global ecosystem for their share of thirty pieces of silver, all Mexico needs is one leader in their government to champion this cause. Lets say that Mexico recruited to run their version of the EPA, a houseplant for example. Nothing too intimidating, say ...... a fern. And they put that fern at a desk where it sits until its term is up and its replaced by a person. if they did that one thing they would already be in a leadership position as compared to the US and their retrograde "First, do harm" policy.

Now lets suppose that Mexico actually put one of its most capable and passionate environmentalists in that chair and gave them a budget and El Presidente's ear. Before this horrific administration oozed from public service to their payout, Mexico could have already demonstrated more environmental leadership between now and then than the Bush administration has in 8 years.

Here's an idea for anyone currently working in the Bush administration or one of the formerly relevant agencies under their control. Follow this guys lead...

And to you Mr. Schaeffer, please accept my thanks for taking a stand while so many others watched or collaborated.

1 comment:

MYN said...

Congrats on your first post! You'll find blogging to be addictive, as I have! Good luck with your crusade in becoming GREEN!
~your bud up north